ARCTOS Industriekälte AG and
The ARCTOS Industriekälte AG operates on the German and European markets, specializing in the realization of all types of industrial refrigeration systems and heat pumps.
ARCTOS fully covers the areas of mechanical engineering / process technology, electrical and control technology, including programming, as well as on-site assembly and service for the scope of industrial refrigeration system construction.
The Board of Directors of ARCTOS Industriekälte AG acknowledges its social responsibility (Corporate Social Responsibility), which is realized through ethical, lawful, environmentally conscious, and socially responsible corporate governance.
The sustainability of the company's activities is continuously improved in all areas.
The same behavior is expected from all those who have business relationships with ARCTOS Industriekälte AG. In particular, all suppliers are encouraged to base their business activities on sustainable practices as well.
This code of conduct establishes the binding requirements of ARCTOS Industriekälte AG regarding compliance with regulations and laws, social and labor conditions, corruption and bribery, as well as environmental protection.
The code is based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the UN Global Compact, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and the fundamental conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO).
Compliance with regulations and laws
The ARCTOS Industrial Refrigeration AG complies with all applicable national and international regulations and laws, as well as prevailing industry standards.
Social and Labor Conditions
The ARCTOS Industrial Refrigeration AG acknowledges the fundamental rights of its employees and commits to upholding these rights, treating employees with dignity and respect, in accordance with the understanding of the international community. ARCTOS Industrial Refrigeration AG adheres to the following standards, regardless of the applicable employment agreement. This applies to all forms of employment, whether direct employment, temporary work, subcontracting, telecommuting, or other types of employment.
Free Choice of Employment
ARCTOS Industrial Refrigeration AG never resorts to forced labor, debt bondage, involuntary prison labor, or any other form of modern slavery. Employment is voluntary.
No Child Labor
The use of child labor is strictly prohibited in accordance with the United Nations Convention and/or national laws. This prohibition is a matter of course for ARCTOS Industrial Refrigeration AG.
Protection of Young Workers
At ARCTOS Industrial Refrigeration AG, the minimum age for employment is in accordance with national regulations. Where no national regulations exist, the fundamental conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO) apply. According to this, no child under the age of 15 may work, either directly or indirectly. Young workers under 18 years of age may not work overtime or night shifts. They must be protected from working conditions that may harm their health, safety, morals, or development.
Remuneration and Social Benefits
ARCTOS Industriekälte AG complies with all applicable regulations, laws, and industry standards regarding remuneration and social benefits. Deductions from wages as a disciplinary measure are only permitted if they are allowed under the applicable laws.
Working Hours
ARCTOS Industriekälte AG complies with all applicable regulations, laws, and industry standards regarding working hours. Unless stricter regulations, laws, and industry standards apply in individual cases, German laws and regulations regarding working hours are used as the benchmark for ARCTOS Industriekälte AG.
Freedom of Association
ARCTOS Industriekälte AG recognizes the fundamental right of all employees to form and join trade unions and employee representatives.
No Discrimination
ARCTOS Industriekälte AG complies with all applicable legal provisions regarding the prohibition of discrimination in hiring and employment with respect to gender, age, religion, political opinion, union membership, health status, national or social origin, sexual orientation, ethnicity, skin color, or any other legally prohibited distinctions.
Working Conditions
ARCTOS Industriekälte AG provides its employees with adequate working facilities.
Health and Safety
ARCTOS Industriekälte AG aims to provide its employees with a healthy, safe, and ergonomic workplace that complies with all applicable regulations and laws. This includes building safety, fire protection, electrical installations, machine safety, personal protective equipment, emergency preparedness, and the related disturbance and accident management. The handling of chemical and biological substances is regularly trained. ARCTOS Industriekälte AG involves its employees in the process of identifying and mitigating risks to the health and safety of employees.
Harassment, Abuse, and Disciplinary Procedures
ARCTOS Industriekälte AG refrains from any physical, psychological, verbal, or sexual harassment or any other form of abuse, inhumane or degrading treatment, corporal punishment, or any form of intimidation. ARCTOS Industriekälte AG complies with laws and regulations regarding disciplinary procedures.
Whistleblowing and Protection Against Retaliation
ARCTOS Industriekälte AG provides a secure channel for whistleblower reporting within the company. Whistleblowers are protected within ARCTOS Industriekälte AG from dismissal, harassment, or other forms of retaliation.
ARCTOS Industriekälte AG conducts its business activities with the highest ethical standards. This means that all applicable national and international regulations, laws, and guidelines are adhered to, especially concerning corruption, bribery, cartels/competition, intellectual property, and conflicts of interest.
Financial Responsibility & Accurate Record Keeping
The business records, including but not limited to financial accounts, quality reports, records, and expense reports, are accurately recorded, maintained, and submitted to customers or reported to the regulatory authorities by ARCTOS Industriekälte AG. The books and records are kept by ARCTOS Industriekälte AG in accordance with applicable laws and generally accepted accounting principles. All types of transactions are accurately and not misleadingly represented in the corresponding accounting records of ARCTOS Industriekälte AG.
Combating Corruption and Bribery
ARCTOS Industriekälte AG does not engage, either directly or indirectly, in acts related to corruption, extortion, embezzlement, or bribery in any form. Among other things, it is prohibited to promise, offer, grant, or accept excessive monetary payments or other rewards such as bribes, inappropriate entertainment, gifts, and commissions.
Cartels & Competition
ARCTOS Industriekälte AG adheres to the principles of free competition and does not participate in bid rigging, price-fixing, price discrimination, or any other unfair trade practices.
Intellectual Property and Protection of Confidential Information
ARCTOS Industriekälte AG respects the intellectual property of others and takes all reasonable measures to protect and safeguard the confidential and internal information or trade secrets of its business partners in accordance with applicable data protection laws. Such information is only used for purposes allowed under contractual agreements. When subcontracting, the disclosure of confidential information by ARCTOS Industriekälte AG is only made with the consent of the business partner.
Conflicts of Interest
ARCTOS Industriekälte AG is committed to informing its business partners about situations that may imply a conflict of interest.
Import and Export Controls
ARCTOS Industriekälte AG complies with applicable laws for the import and export of goods, services, and information, and requires the same from its business partners. Sanction lists are taken into account.
Money Laundering
ARCTOS Industriekälte AG ensures that the legal provisions against money laundering are complied with and requires the same from its business partners.
Counterfeit Parts
ARCTOS Industriekälte AG prohibits the use of counterfeit parts in its business operations and requires the same from its business partners.
ARCTOS Industriekälte AG takes ecological responsibility for the production of high-quality products and continuously strives to improve its environmental performance. ARCTOS Industriekälte AG complies with applicable environmental laws, regulations, and industry standards, and is constantly working to identify, prevent, and minimize relevant negative ecological impacts. This also includes educating and training relevant employees.
Hazardous Materials
ARCTOS Industriekälte AG minimizes the use of hazardous materials and ensures that all hazardous substances are safely transported, stored, and disposed of. The company educates its employees about relevant safety procedures and ensures proper training.
Resources, Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
ARCTOS Industriekälte AG minimizes harmful impacts on natural resources, including air, land, forests, and water. Additionally, ARCTOS optimizes its resource consumption, including raw materials, water, and energy usage, to improve its energy efficiency. The company is progressively transitioning to renewable energy sources.
Waste and Emissions
ARCTOS Industriekälte AG minimizes the disposal of waste, wastewater, and other emissions to avoid pollution of air, water, and soil. We keep our greenhouse gas emissions as low as possible.
Communication and Implementation
ARCTOS Industriekälte AG communicates the content of this code effectively to all our employees, representatives, subcontractors, suppliers, and sub-suppliers, and ensures the implementation of the code with due diligence.
Dealing with Suppliers and Subcontractors
ARCTOS Industriekälte AG reviews with due diligence whether its subcontractors, suppliers, and sub-suppliers comply with this Code of Conduct. If violations are identified, ARCTOS Industriekälte AG demands corrective actions to ensure compliance with the Code or terminates business with subcontractors, suppliers, and sub-suppliers if no improvements are possible.
ARCTOS Industriekälte AG maintains the necessary documentation to demonstrate compliance with the Code of Conduct within its own operations. Additionally, documentation regarding the due diligence process in its supply chain is also kept.
Updating the Code of Conduct
ARCTOS Industriekälte AG regularly reviews this Code and makes changes when necessary. If such changes result in a significant reduction of standards, we will inform our business partners accordingly.
As of: Sörup, January 9, 2023
Kai Selmer (Board Member) and Sönke Reebschläger (Board Member)
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